June 8th 2022 Club Meeting

Our June Club meeting was well attended once again  with 15  members attending with welcome appearances from Nigel, Dave Angles, and Sandy- nice to meet up with them again. We had a visit from Bill Watson from RS Motorsport from Washington to tell us about the Kits he produces and services he offers including CAD welding,frame construction and fibreglass.

Our next meeting will be a bit different (DEPENDING ON WEATHER) we plan to hold our meeting at the Queen Elizabeth 11 Country Park at Ashington NE63 9AT where we will have a mini show of our cars This plan involves you all bringing your kits and classics to the event to have a display for the public visiting the park. If we can start from 6pm, there a restaurant and pub on site.  

We have several events in the pipeline, A picnic at Elsdon on a Saturday, a run to The Garage organised by Micheal, a trip to the Jim Clark museum in Duns, Blyth Show 10th July get your entry in if you are going to  attend contact                                johndangould@yahoo.co.uk . and regular runs out watch the web page for details.

We are going to attend the Newark festival where we have a stand organised so it would be nice if we could see a few attending contact me for details