AGM November 2021

We had 17 members in attendance with apologies for absence from Harry
Thompson, Dave Angles,
Paul Whitelaw and John Ferry.
The present committee were voted back in with Denise persuaded to continue
for the moment. Other members of the Committee are Arthur String fellow,
Keith Bernard, And John Richardson. And myself Alan as Club Chair and Liz
as Treasurer.
Membership fees are to remain at £10 per year, with a Club Calender being
produced again this year and some club hand-outs to try to boost
Some members are unhappy with the current venue and want to find a place
with separate room for the meetings. After much discussion it was decided
not to make a decision but leave it until the next meeting to give people a
chance to find a possible new venue.. We also decided to take the summer
meetings out on the road with a venue to travel to and members meeting
there or traveling to it in groups to it.
Club Public Liability Insurance is in place and is renewable on 30/4/2022.
In an attempt to get more members out on runs we are going to look to
having a regular monthly date for runs with weekend and weekday events
planned in advance and cancelled only if the weather is poor. We are also
looking at getting other members to organise runs so we get new routes to
Any National Events anyone is interested in can they get details and bring
them to the meetings to judge any interest from other members.
A list of events to be collected and published to members
.2Day Run I am looking at using the Nland250 as a basis for the run next
year with an overnight stay at Berwick, further details will be sent out as
I get it planned.